Hem fet unes botiguetes a la classe per poder practicar un diàleg entre un botiguer i un venedor. Fins i tot hem hagut de tornar el canvi!
dimarts, 12 de desembre del 2017
A 4t aprenem a comprar i vendre en anglès!
divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017
The Solar System: Years 3 and 4
In projects, years 3 and 4 have learned many things about the Solar System. We made 3D planets of the Solar System that are on display in the hallway. We painted them and molded with paper mache them to replicate the real planets. There are 10 planets in the solar system.
We now know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and has a great eye. Venus is the coldest planet. Earth is the only planet that has life. Saturn has two rings. Our galaxy is called via lactia. Andromeda is our closest neighboring galaxy. The biggest star of the universe that we know of is called Canis Majoris. Pluto is no longer a planet in our solar system, it is a dwarf planet. We know that the sun is a giant star. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days and rotates on its axis in 24 hours.
We also learned about astronauts by watching the moon landing with Neil Armstrong. We watched a film called Tintín: Objective of The Moon where we learned about rockets and the moon.
Our favorite activities were our field trip to the Observatory in Sabadell where we observed the stars and pretending to be an astronaut in space feeling the sensation of zero gravity. We also liked painting the planets in their order on paper worksheets. We went out to the playground and recreated the distance of the planets by taking giant steps. We also played a two person scavenger hunt game to search for the planets on the playground!
We also learned how to read the building maps of Ripoll. The teachers gave us the plans and we had to say what we saw in the plans. We made our own plans by drawing the super classroom.
We are now experts on the solar system!
We now know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and has a great eye. Venus is the coldest planet. Earth is the only planet that has life. Saturn has two rings. Our galaxy is called via lactia. Andromeda is our closest neighboring galaxy. The biggest star of the universe that we know of is called Canis Majoris. Pluto is no longer a planet in our solar system, it is a dwarf planet. We know that the sun is a giant star. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days and rotates on its axis in 24 hours.
We also learned about astronauts by watching the moon landing with Neil Armstrong. We watched a film called Tintín: Objective of The Moon where we learned about rockets and the moon.
Our favorite activities were our field trip to the Observatory in Sabadell where we observed the stars and pretending to be an astronaut in space feeling the sensation of zero gravity. We also liked painting the planets in their order on paper worksheets. We went out to the playground and recreated the distance of the planets by taking giant steps. We also played a two person scavenger hunt game to search for the planets on the playground!
We also learned how to read the building maps of Ripoll. The teachers gave us the plans and we had to say what we saw in the plans. We made our own plans by drawing the super classroom.
We are now experts on the solar system!
dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017
A Cicle Mitjà tenim uns alumnes nous!
El passat dilluns van arribar dos companys nous a l'escola. Són l'Ibra i l'Adama. L'Ibra és a 3r i l'Adama a 4t. Són del Senegal i ja fa temps que viuen a Catalaunya. Vénen d'una escola de Pineda de Mar. Estem molt contents de tenir-los amb nosaltres!
In Inventic class, years 5 and 6 started a project using arduino 1 and bitbloq. The teachers constructed pieces for the students to make a traffic light. The students put the pieces together and programmed the traffic light to the computer. Following the paper instructions, the students connected the wires and lights to make the finished project, the traffic light. While connected to the computer, the traffic light lights up to the colors green, yellow and red. The students worked together in groups of 4. After the students finished building the traffic light, they started to paint them.
Written by Berta, Aina, Paula and Jan.
dimarts, 28 de novembre del 2017
Padrins de lectura
A l'escola compartim moment de lectura!
Els grans ensenyen als petits i els petits aprenen del grans!
A tots ens agrada molt i estem impacients per tornar a trobar-nos amb el nostre o la nostra padrina de lectura.
Millorar junts és el gran repte!
dijous, 23 de novembre del 2017
Paisatges i relleu
Els nens i nenes de segon, estem aprenent diferents tipus de relleu i paisatges. A través del treball cooperatiu, vam fer representacions amb plastilina i els hi vam explicar als companys/es per exemple què és una serralada, un altiplà...
La Brooke també ens va ajudar per aprendre-ho en anglès.
La Brooke també ens va ajudar per aprendre-ho en anglès.
dijous, 2 de novembre del 2017
Avui hem visitat un observatori astronòmic, el de Sabadell.
Ja sabíem moltes coses sobre els planetes del Sistema Solar i la nostra estrella el Sol. N'hem après algunes més. Hem pogut veure el Sol a través d'un telescopi i dos tipus de filtres diferents. Quan s'ha obert la cúpula i ha girat per enfocar al Sol ha estat impressionant.
A més a més hem pogut jugar al parc de Catalunya, on ens ho hem passat pipa!
Ja sabíem moltes coses sobre els planetes del Sistema Solar i la nostra estrella el Sol. N'hem après algunes més. Hem pogut veure el Sol a través d'un telescopi i dos tipus de filtres diferents. Quan s'ha obert la cúpula i ha girat per enfocar al Sol ha estat impressionant.
A més a més hem pogut jugar al parc de Catalunya, on ens ho hem passat pipa!
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Cicle mitjà,
sistema solar,
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